Saturday September 24th 2022
Welcome to 2022 JamCamp Workshops and an introduction to your tutors.
9.30 – 10.30
Beginner Banjo with Ian Simpson (if numbers warrant)
Mandolin workshop 1 with Adam Gare
The Role of the Guitar in Bluegrass & OldTime Music: An Evolving Tradition with Tom Kendall
Simple OldTime fiddle bowings with Craig Woodward
Clawhammer Banjo workshop 1 with Jeremy Marcotte
Singing: Arranging Voices for Bluegrass & OldTime Music led by Tom Kendall
Earl Scruggs and Beyond with Ian Simpson
Mandolin with Adam 2
The Role of the guitar in Bluegrass & OldTime Musician Evolving Tradition with Tom Kendall
Rhythm, phrasing, accents & dynamics with Craig Woodward
Clawhammer banjo workshop 3 with Jeremy Marcotte
Jam Etiquette and tutor led Structured Jams in small groups focussing on skills learnt in workshops.
Sunday 25th September 2022
Earl Scruggs & Beyond banjo workshop with Ian Simpson
Mandolin workshop 3 with Adam Gare
Role of the guitar in Bluegrass & OldTime Music – An Evolving Tradition with Tom Kendall
OldTime Music, Better than it Sounds! fiddle with Craig Woodward.
Clawhammer banjo workshop 3 with Jeremy Marcotte.
Beginner Banjo workshop 2 with Ian Simpson (if numbers warrant)
Singing: Arranging Voices for Bluegrass & OldTime Music with Tom Kendall.
Tutor led Structured Jams in small groups.
Monday September 26th 2022
10.30 -11.30
Final Workshop Q & A with all tutors
Followed by final jam/ jams.